Khazari Stronghold Clan
The Khazari live in a heavily family orientated society, each of the clans operates from one or more strongholds. Huge fortifications that guard their wealth and children from outside aggression. Each fortress is defended by a clan of Khazari warriors, known as the Fyrd. They strive to keep out any aggressors, forming mainly a defensive role unlike the more militant clans that crusade against the Tarragin. The Khazari Fyrd in a stronghold clan, are equipped with a wide variety of equipment, ranging from force shield generators to plasma cannons. Even on the battlefield away from there defensive structures, the Khazari has little need for armour, their Sheild Maiden barrier field generator enables the squad to move around under a portable barrier dome. The field is able to deflect most infantry weapons, making them some of the most resilient troops on the battlefield.
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