Missing Orders
Postal services around the world have proved to be generally remarkably efficient and effective in getting the parcels delivered safely and in good time. However, sometimes packages can be delayed by the system or, if an overseas order, by Customs. Some countries, such as Canada are especially prone to customs delay.
Please note that Royal Mail will not recognise that a parcel is lost in the UK until 15 days have elapsed from dispatch, and in the EU/worldwide until 25 days have elapsed. Our normal policy is to replace lost items although this does not affect your statutory rights. You can instead request a refund under distance selling regulations.
Damaged Products
Customers who receive damaged products may return them to HLS Models. Customers who return damaged items will be reimbursed for the cost of postage and the goods will be replaced. You can instead request a refund for these goods.
Returns & Refunds
Under distance selling regulations, customers have a cooling off period whereby they can change their mind and cancel or return an order within fourteen (14) working days of receipt without giving a reason. Customers must return goods supplied to them if they cancel an order. Returned goods must be undamaged and of merchantable quantity.
Customers are bound to take good care of goods they receive and to return unwanted items in good condition. Customers that do not return unwanted items in good condition are liable for the cost of such items. Customers must return goods at their own expense.
Postal services around the world have proved to be generally remarkably efficient and effective in getting the parcels delivered safely and in good time. However, sometimes packages can be delayed by the system or, if an overseas order, by Customs. Some countries, such as Canada are especially prone to customs delay.
Please note that Royal Mail will not recognise that a parcel is lost in the UK until 15 days have elapsed from dispatch, and in the EU/worldwide until 25 days have elapsed. Our normal policy is to replace lost items although this does not affect your statutory rights. You can instead request a refund under distance selling regulations.
Damaged Products
Customers who receive damaged products may return them to HLS Models. Customers who return damaged items will be reimbursed for the cost of postage and the goods will be replaced. You can instead request a refund for these goods.
Returns & Refunds
Under distance selling regulations, customers have a cooling off period whereby they can change their mind and cancel or return an order within fourteen (14) working days of receipt without giving a reason. Customers must return goods supplied to them if they cancel an order. Returned goods must be undamaged and of merchantable quantity.
Customers are bound to take good care of goods they receive and to return unwanted items in good condition. Customers that do not return unwanted items in good condition are liable for the cost of such items. Customers must return goods at their own expense.