Stygian Hunters
??????Stygian Hunters make up the bulk of most Stygian armies. While cruel and wicked in the extreme, these warriors fight with a cool head and show tremendous skill with their exotic weaponry which could only be gained over the course of countless battles and raids. Stygian Hunters peruse their prey relentlessly and in complete silence - their eyeless helms showing no mercy for their victims who are either slaughtered where they stand, or worse - enslaved and taken back to the demonic realm of the Viscera Queen ???to serve as sacrifices.???
A Stygian Hunters ???Squad contains a random assortment of 25 x 7mm Stygian Hunter models, 5 poses
A Stygian Hunters ???Squad contains a random assortment of 25 x 7mm Stygian Hunter models, 5 poses
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